The Stages of Team Development

When we work as part of a team, we naturally take on different roles – this can depend on our own personality and preferences, and it can also depend on the dynamics within the team. Teams also go through different phases of development as they progress. In this blog we will explore the stages of…

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Active Listening to Help Process Difficult Moments

I recently listened to someone outside of my work who shared that they are experiencing panic attacks. As they started talking, I could feel myself wanting to solve and share some way of improving it. And in that fleeting moment, I stopped and asked what they needed. I was so glad I did as the…

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Taking Time for Reflection In The Workplace

Reflection time is about putting the pause button on, stepping out of our usual working lives, and looking in on it. We get to be a third-party observer of how we are showing up, what we are focusing on, what we are achieving and what might need some focus or change. If we are always…

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Making time for Career Management

Career management is a lifelong process and yet most of us only actively work on it when we are changing roles. In this blog, we will explore the benefits of active career management as well as some simple strategies to continue to manage your career even when you are not on the lookout for a…

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Strategies to cope with Change

“You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending” C S Lewis Whether we like it or not, things are changing around us all the time. Sometimes it is the most subtle of changes that we don’t really notice until we realise things are never…

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Coaching Themes for 2023

As we start the new year, I wonder what is in store for us all. As I reflect on this question myself, I also reflect on the core coaching themes for 2023 that are emerging from my experiences in the coaching world. In this blog, I will share some of the themes I see as…

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A year in review – time for reflection

At this time of year, it is useful to take some time to reflect on the year just past, a process which can help us to prepare for the year ahead.  This blog is dedicated to doing just that and taking time for reflection on the key themes that have emerged for me from the conversations…

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Having great conversations

The role of a leader can be complex and requires the ability to context switch effectively. At times they need to set a bold direction to inspire individuals, teams and businesses. At other times they work with people to help them fulfil their potential through personal development or performance interventions. Sometimes they need to be…

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9 tips to giving effective employee feedback

What does the word employee feedback conjure up for you? Often, I hear people brace themselves, in anticipation of hearing a difficult message. We can immediately think it is going to be negative. Over the years it hasn’t helped that concepts such as the feedback sandwich have been used – signalling that something negative is…

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Setting intentions for Q4

September is a great month to refocus and reset for the quarter ahead. Whether you enjoy goal setting or not, if you don’t know what you are aiming for then you can drift. I like to focus on “intention setting” rather than goal setting. The concept helps me to initially focus on the outcome rather…

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