Leading Someone Through Mental Health Challenges

As leaders, it can feel overwhelming when people in the team are experiencing mental health challenges. We might feel the need to fix it, to do the right thing, and yet knowing what the right thing is can be tricky. In this blog we explore some useful skills required when leading someone through mental health…

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The Self-Care Toolkit

The summer often brings a slower pace of life, holidays and catching our breath before September. If this resonates with you, I encourage you to use this month to replenish. We all have different ways to elements to our self-care toolkit. In this blog, we will explore some simple strategies that can make a difference…

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Taking Time for Reflection In The Workplace

Reflection time is about putting the pause button on, stepping out of our usual working lives, and looking in on it. We get to be a third-party observer of how we are showing up, what we are focusing on, what we are achieving and what might need some focus or change. If we are always…

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Strategies to cope with Change

“You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending” C S Lewis Whether we like it or not, things are changing around us all the time. Sometimes it is the most subtle of changes that we don’t really notice until we realise things are never…

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Coaching Themes for 2023

As we start the new year, I wonder what is in store for us all. As I reflect on this question myself, I also reflect on the core coaching themes for 2023 that are emerging from my experiences in the coaching world. In this blog, I will share some of the themes I see as…

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A year in review – time for reflection

At this time of year, it is useful to take some time to reflect on the year just past, a process which can help us to prepare for the year ahead.  This blog is dedicated to doing just that and taking time for reflection on the key themes that have emerged for me from the conversations…

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Coaching themes for 2022

In December, I took some time out with a group of other coaches, to reflect on the year past and the year ahead. It struck me that so much can be learned from creating space to think, reflect and identify some of the key coaching themes that emerged. In this blog I share some of…

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Taking care of our mental health

Looking after our mental as well as our physical health is so important. As we enter spring and to mark mental health awareness week 10-16 May, now is a great time to reflect on what is working for you and to be alert to any changes you may wish to make. Our mental health can…

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What is self-leadership and why is it important?

Often December can be a month of frenetic activity both at home and at work. This year may well bring different challenges, yet there is also an opportunity to reflect and to celebrate what we have personally achieved. This brings me on to the topic for this month’s blog – self-leadership. At the end of…

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