Setting 2024 Intentions

As we start a new year, it is the time that most of us start to think about our plans for the year ahead and what we want to achieve both personally and professionally. In our latest blog we will explore four different ways to identify your goals and ways to keep them alive beyond…

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Intention Setting this Autumn

As we enter the final quarter of the year, now is a great time to pause and reflect on our progress. It is often a time for performance review check in’s and intention setting at work as well. In this blogs we will explore strategies to reviewing our goals, performance and intentions.  What have you…

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A year in review – time for reflection

At this time of year, it is useful to take some time to reflect on the year just past, a process which can help us to prepare for the year ahead.  This blog is dedicated to doing just that and taking time for reflection on the key themes that have emerged for me from the conversations…

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Setting intentions for Q4

September is a great month to refocus and reset for the quarter ahead. Whether you enjoy goal setting or not, if you don’t know what you are aiming for then you can drift. I like to focus on “intention setting” rather than goal setting. The concept helps me to initially focus on the outcome rather…

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