Leading Someone Through Mental Health Challenges

As leaders, it can feel overwhelming when people in the team are experiencing mental health challenges. We might feel the need to fix it, to do the right thing, and yet knowing what the right thing is can be tricky. In this blog we explore some useful skills required when leading someone through mental health…

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Performance Management – Creating A Learning Culture

As I reflect on my client conversations this month, the topic of creating a learning culture and using the performance management process as an enabler of this dialogue, has come up a lot. This approach is about finding moments every day to have a new insight or doing something that stretches and develops us. In…

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Having great conversations

The role of a leader can be complex and requires the ability to context switch effectively. At times they need to set a bold direction to inspire individuals, teams and businesses. At other times they work with people to help them fulfil their potential through personal development or performance interventions. Sometimes they need to be…

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Maintaining a positive mindset in times of change

Life is changing all the time, as are we. This constant cycle of change means that developing strategies to embrace a positive mindset is crucial. Finding strategies to deal with turbulence in our lives can make the difference between a period of happiness and a period of anxiety. Some periods of our lives are so…

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Leadership skills for a post pandemic workplace

The world is different to a year ago. For some countries and companies, the move to physically working from the office again is a possibility. Whether your approach is a hybrid model of working, back to full time office working or permanently working from home, the next few months brings with it a different approach.…

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Being effective and productive in current times

It is normal for productivity to ebb and flow at different times of our lives. In a global pandemic being productive has certainly been a challenge, as we may be impacted by all the changes around us for example, home working, home schooling and illness, as well as the lack of variety in our lives…

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How to manage our energy levels in the workplace

Finding motivation and energy to continue moving forward is something I work with daily, coaching is all about supporting people to gain insights and continue to move forward. In this month’s blog I will share some insights about how to manage our energy levels, to explore how vital it is to be aware of our…

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What is self-leadership and why is it important?

Often December can be a month of frenetic activity both at home and at work. This year may well bring different challenges, yet there is also an opportunity to reflect and to celebrate what we have personally achieved. This brings me on to the topic for this month’s blog – self-leadership. At the end of…

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Work from home – Tips for successful virtual meetings

In these uncertain times many of us are being creative about how we continue working and are able to work from home. In addition, we may find extra time in the diary which can be used positively by learning new skills, receiving coaching or having that meeting which we didn’t have the time for previously.…

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What’s your vision?

January is always seen as a good time for goal setting, somehow the change of year brings about a chance to reset and refocus. I work with people in a variety of ways to help them with visioning and goal setting, my belief is one size doesn’t fit all. Some people like visuals whilst others…

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