Leading Someone Through Mental Health Challenges

As leaders, it can feel overwhelming when people in the team are experiencing mental health challenges. We might feel the need to fix it, to do the right thing, and yet knowing what the right thing is can be tricky. In this blog we explore some useful skills required when leading someone through mental health…

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Coaching themes for 2022

In December, I took some time out with a group of other coaches, to reflect on the year past and the year ahead. It struck me that so much can be learned from creating space to think, reflect and identify some of the key coaching themes that emerged. In this blog I share some of…

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Taking care of our mental health

Looking after our mental as well as our physical health is so important. As we enter spring and to mark mental health awareness week 10-16 May, now is a great time to reflect on what is working for you and to be alert to any changes you may wish to make. Our mental health can…

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How to manage our energy levels in the workplace

Finding motivation and energy to continue moving forward is something I work with daily, coaching is all about supporting people to gain insights and continue to move forward. In this month’s blog I will share some insights about how to manage our energy levels, to explore how vital it is to be aware of our…

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How to avoid workplace burnout

Burnout in the workplace can be very common, in our 24/7 culture it can be easy to feel like we are constantly “on”. Our brains can feel wired all the time and the lines between work and home life can easily blur. To explain what we mean by burnout, we define it as “exhaustion of…

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Managing Change in the Workplace

It’s true to say that most people find change discombobulating. There are often two reactions to change on one hand, excitement, energy and anticipation of what’s to come; and on the other fear, anxiety and restlessness. In this blog we will look at strategies for managing personal and work changes.   An analogy for change itself…

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