Exploring The Stages Of Team Development

We are all part of a wide variety of different teams. At work we often have our “home” team, but we are also often members of many other teams as well. If you expand this beyond work, we are also part of our “family” team, “friendship” teams and many others such as sports teams or other…

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Exploring Different Leadership Styles

It is true that deploying a range of styles as a leader is vital to your impact and crucial to the development of your team. Matching your leadership style to each person and the situation is a great first step in developing your approach.  In this blog we will explore four key leadership styles and provide…

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Performance Management – Creating A Learning Culture

As I reflect on my client conversations this month, the topic of creating a learning culture and using the performance management process as an enabler of this dialogue, has come up a lot. This approach is about finding moments every day to have a new insight or doing something that stretches and develops us. In…

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Building Communication Skills for High Performing Teams

I have been working with people this month on communicating with impact and exploring what the crucial skills are to communicate effectively with others. Whether that is to our teams, our line manager, our peers or at home with key relationships, there is a set of communication skills we can learn, to be even more…

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The Stages of Team Development

When we work as part of a team, we naturally take on different roles – this can depend on our own personality and preferences, and it can also depend on the dynamics within the team. Teams also go through different phases of development as they progress. In this blog we will explore the stages of…

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