Group Coaching


Group coaching provides a safe space for multiple individuals to move forward with their challenges and goals, at the same time whilst learning from one another.

The group may be an intact team or may be from different parts of the organisation. Over a series of group coaching sessions, individuals benefit from coaching in a confidential group setting. Each member of the group has opportunities to work on their goals, whilst the group coaches them collectively.

This enhances learning, enables everyone to learn from the group of people and is an enriching and positive experience. It has all the benefits of 1:1 coaching with the added benefit of building a supportive group who learn from one another.

Topics may include:

  • Leading teams through transformation
  • Building self confidence
  • Influencing at a senior level
  • Making an impact/Increasing visibility
  • Maintaining resilience
  • Establishing individual and team vision
  • Having challenging conversations
  • Building trust in the team

Group coaching often takes place over 6 to 12 months. The first session includes ways of working, establishing a set of ground rules for working together and building trust.

Subsequent sessions are dynamic in that your coach will support you as a group to find the most meaningful area to work on each time. As group coaching progresses, not only do individuals move forward and gain clarity, their ability to be coached and to coach others also accelerates, which is beneficial to the wider organisation that they are part of. Group Coaching increases peer to peer networks in organisations as well.

Please get in touch to see how group coaching sessions may work for your orgainsation.