Having great conversations

The role of a leader can be complex and requires the ability to context switch effectively. At times they need to set a bold direction to inspire individuals, teams and businesses. At other times they work with people to help them fulfil their potential through personal development or performance interventions. Sometimes they need to be…

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9 tips to giving effective employee feedback

What does the word employee feedback conjure up for you? Often, I hear people brace themselves, in anticipation of hearing a difficult message. We can immediately think it is going to be negative. Over the years it hasn’t helped that concepts such as the feedback sandwich have been used – signalling that something negative is…

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Setting intentions for Q4

September is a great month to refocus and reset for the quarter ahead. Whether you enjoy goal setting or not, if you don’t know what you are aiming for then you can drift. I like to focus on “intention setting” rather than goal setting. The concept helps me to initially focus on the outcome rather…

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Leadership and team development with Strengthscope

In our blog this month we explore leadership through the lens of another personality profiling questionnaire – the Strengthscope report. This is such a useful tool to support employee engagement, productivity and authenticity in the workplace. If we know what energises us, we are more likely to be at our best more of the time. …

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Understanding the MBTI – Personality Preference

The Leader’s role is to set the climate for others to perform and be at their best. It can be easy to connect with those that think similarly to you, however, when there are differences, how do we harness those differences without judging them? If the leader can harness the best from all styles, then…

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Tools and techniques for managing stress

April is stress awareness month. Over the last few years, we have seen stress like never before, as we face situations that we never thought we would find ourselves in. In this blog we will explore strategies for managing our stress in a positive way. Stress can be categorised in two ways – as useful…

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How to get the most out of coaching

We must see people in terms of their future potential, not their past performance.” Sir John Whitmore In my work as a coach with individuals, teams and leaders, I notice that one of the starting points to getting the most out of coaching, is to define what we mean by coaching and what to expect.…

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Resilience – How do you keep going?

It’s that time of year when we can see the end of winter in sight. The days become lighter, there is the potential for rejuvenating our personal and professional vision. I have been speaking to lots of different people and groups this month, I notice a tiredness and low energy in people. Everyone seems to…

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Coaching themes for 2022

In December, I took some time out with a group of other coaches, to reflect on the year past and the year ahead. It struck me that so much can be learned from creating space to think, reflect and identify some of the key coaching themes that emerged. In this blog I share some of…

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