Team Motivation – How to motivate yourself and your team
When you think about team motivation, the starting point is to understand what motivates you

Leading global teams
I work with leaders across the world who are managing teams they have never met

Leadership skills for a post pandemic workplace
The world is different to a year ago. For some countries and companies, the move

Taking care of our mental health
Looking after our mental as well as our physical health is so important. As we

What is my purpose?
People come to coaching for many reasons and one of the most common is to

Being effective and productive in current times
It is normal for productivity to ebb and flow at different times of our lives.

How to manage our energy levels in the workplace
Finding motivation and energy to continue moving forward is something I work with daily, coaching

Goal Setting this January
“Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible in to the visible” Tony

What is self-leadership and why is it important?
Often December can be a month of frenetic activity both at home and at work.

Women in Leadership – Are you a people pleaser?
Many women get to the end of the working week and notice that a lot