Exploring The Stages Of Team Development

We are all part of a wide variety of different teams. At work we often have our “home” team, but we are also often members of many other teams as well. If you expand this beyond work, we are also part of our “family” team, “friendship” teams and many others such as sports teams or other…

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Intention Setting this Autumn

As we enter the final quarter of the year, now is a great time to pause and reflect on our progress. It is often a time for performance review check in’s and intention setting at work as well. In this blogs we will explore strategies to reviewing our goals, performance and intentions.  What have you…

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Understanding the MBTI – Personality Preference

The Leader’s role is to set the climate for others to perform and be at their best. It can be easy to connect with those that think similarly to you, however, when there are differences, how do we harness those differences without judging them? If the leader can harness the best from all styles, then…

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What’s your vision?

January is always seen as a good time for goal setting, somehow the change of year brings about a chance to reset and refocus. I work with people in a variety of ways to help them with visioning and goal setting, my belief is one size doesn’t fit all. Some people like visuals whilst others…

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The power of a clear communication strategy

I recently attended a meeting where a senior leader was sharing their 2020 plans for the team. She was highlighting to her team what the focus areas would be and what was most important to her in the team delivering it. As I looked around the room my intuition told me that the team hadn’t…

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