Managing Stress and Overwhelm

Through different periods of our lives, we all experience overwhelm to some extent. It can last for a few minutes or can be a more frequent feeling you associate with. In coaching sessions, I notice people become more equipped to identify the sources of overwhelm and take steps to manage it. In this blog, we…

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The Self-Care Toolkit

The summer often brings a slower pace of life, holidays and catching our breath before September. If this resonates with you, I encourage you to use this month to replenish. We all have different ways to elements to our self-care toolkit. In this blog, we will explore some simple strategies that can make a difference…

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A year in review – time for reflection

At this time of year, it is useful to take some time to reflect on the year just past, a process which can help us to prepare for the year ahead.  This blog is dedicated to doing just that and taking time for reflection on the key themes that have emerged for me from the conversations…

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Resilience – How do you keep going?

It’s that time of year when we can see the end of winter in sight. The days become lighter, there is the potential for rejuvenating our personal and professional vision. I have been speaking to lots of different people and groups this month, I notice a tiredness and low energy in people. Everyone seems to…

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Coaching themes for 2022

In December, I took some time out with a group of other coaches, to reflect on the year past and the year ahead. It struck me that so much can be learned from creating space to think, reflect and identify some of the key coaching themes that emerged. In this blog I share some of…

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Taking care of our mental health

Looking after our mental as well as our physical health is so important. As we enter spring and to mark mental health awareness week 10-16 May, now is a great time to reflect on what is working for you and to be alert to any changes you may wish to make. Our mental health can…

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Managing Change in the Workplace

It’s true to say that most people find change discombobulating. There are often two reactions to change on one hand, excitement, energy and anticipation of what’s to come; and on the other fear, anxiety and restlessness. In this blog we will look at strategies for managing personal and work changes.   An analogy for change itself…

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