Exploring The Stages Of Team Development

We are all part of a wide variety of different teams. At work we often have our “home” team, but we are also often members of many other teams as well. If you expand this beyond work, we are also part of our “family” team, “friendship” teams and many others such as sports teams or other…

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The Self-Care Toolkit

The summer often brings a slower pace of life, holidays and catching our breath before September. If this resonates with you, I encourage you to use this month to replenish. We all have different ways to elements to our self-care toolkit. In this blog, we will explore some simple strategies that can make a difference…

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Exploring Workplace Partnerships

We all need people to thrive. Thinking more consciously about the relationships around us can deepen our connections and support our goals at home and work. Workplace partnerships remind me of the connection we have in working with others and a sense that we don’t have to go it alone – whether that is solving…

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The Stages of Team Development

When we work as part of a team, we naturally take on different roles – this can depend on our own personality and preferences, and it can also depend on the dynamics within the team. Teams also go through different phases of development as they progress. In this blog we will explore the stages of…

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Strategies to cope with Change

“You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending” C S Lewis Whether we like it or not, things are changing around us all the time. Sometimes it is the most subtle of changes that we don’t really notice until we realise things are never…

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Having great conversations

The role of a leader can be complex and requires the ability to context switch effectively. At times they need to set a bold direction to inspire individuals, teams and businesses. At other times they work with people to help them fulfil their potential through personal development or performance interventions. Sometimes they need to be…

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9 tips to giving effective employee feedback

What does the word employee feedback conjure up for you? Often, I hear people brace themselves, in anticipation of hearing a difficult message. We can immediately think it is going to be negative. Over the years it hasn’t helped that concepts such as the feedback sandwich have been used – signalling that something negative is…

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Leadership skills for a post pandemic workplace

The world is different to a year ago. For some countries and companies, the move to physically working from the office again is a possibility. Whether your approach is a hybrid model of working, back to full time office working or permanently working from home, the next few months brings with it a different approach.…

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